October 22, 2024


Strong Women, Stronger Lives.

Five Supper Challenging Bodyweight Exercises for Women

The anatomy of a woman’s body often makes certain exercises easier to perform, such as sit-ups, while others like pull-ups can be particularly challenging. This can lead to an imbalance in workout routines, with many women tending to develop more lower body strength. To address this and build a well-rounded fitness regimen, incorporating exercises that challenge these natural tendencies is crucial. Below are five super challenging bodyweight exercises that push beyond the typical comfort zone, helping women enhance their overall strength, balance, and coordination.

Traditional Pull-Ups

Women typically have less upper body muscle mass than men, making traditional pull-ups particularly challenging. This exercise requires significant upper body strength, which many women may not have initially developed. However, avoiding pull-ups can hinder the development of the latissimus dorsi (lats), the largest muscles in the upper body. These muscles are crucial for pulling actions and play a significant role in fat burning.

To begin, find a sturdy pull-up bar. Grip the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and palms facing away. Engage your core, pull your shoulders down and back, and lift your body until your chin is above the bar. Lower yourself back down with control. If you’re new to pull-ups, start with assisted pull-ups using a resistance band or perform negative pull-ups by jumping up and slowly lowering yourself down.

Clapping Push-Ups

Clapping push-ups are an advanced plyometric exercise that challenges upper body strength, speed, and coordination. This explosive movement requires you to push off the ground with enough force to clap your hands before landing.

Begin in a standard push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your chest to the ground, then explode upward with enough force to lift your hands off the ground and clap before landing back in the push-up position. Start with regular push-ups to build strength, and gradually progress to clapping push-ups as your power and coordination improve.

Single-Leg Bodyweight Squats

Standard squats are relatively easy for most women due to their body weight distribution and anatomy. However, single-leg squats present a different challenge, requiring increased balance, strength, and coordination.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, using a wall or a TRX suspension trainer for balance if needed. Lift one leg slightly off the ground and squat down on the other leg, keeping your chest up and back straight. Start with quarter squats, gradually working your way to half squats, three-quarter squats, and finally full single-leg squats. Be cautious not to strain your knee, and use suspension straps to help with balance and support as you develop the necessary strength and coordination.

Handstand Push-Ups

Handstand push-ups are the ultimate test of upper body vertical strength, equivalent to pushing your body weight straight up. This exercise requires significant shoulder and core strength and wrist stability.

Before attempting handstand push-ups, ensure you have a solid foundation of push-ups and shoulder presses. Begin by practicing against a wall for support and have a coach or experienced partner spot you. Kick up into a handstand position with your feet resting against the wall. Lower your head toward the ground in a controlled manner, then push back up to the starting position. Focus on maintaining a strong core and proper wrist alignment to avoid injury.

Floor Pike Lift

The floor pike lift is an intense exercise targeting the hip flexors, core, and shoulder strength. This move requires significant strength and control to lift your entire lower body off the ground without bending your knees.

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and your hands placed by your sides. Press your hands into the ground and lift your body, including your buttocks and heels, off the floor. Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels, engaging your core and keeping your legs straight. This exercise can be incredibly challenging, so start by lifting just your buttocks and gradually work toward lifting your entire lower body.

These five bodyweight exercises challenge the natural tendencies of women and push them to develop strength, coordination, and balance. Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine can help you build a stronger, more resilient body. Remember to progress gradually, listen to your body, and prioritize proper form to avoid injury.